How I can share fixVersion for different jira spacec?

RonnyBonny January 13, 2023


We have multiple teams in different jira space.

And if I create "release" in one space. I can connect this release with tickets only in this space. How I can make this release visible for tickets in other space?


So, if I open ticket in same space that fixVersion was created.

I can easily add my release in fixVersion field: Pasted Graphic 43.png


But if I open ticket in another space.

I don't see release number in fixVersion field:

Pasted Graphic 44.png

Please, help to find best approach to make releases visible for multiple jira spaces. Thanks!

3 answers

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Jano_ANGSTEN January 13, 2023

Hey @RonnyBonny ,

there exists a multitude off Apps for Jira that do cross project releases as you are trying to do. We have the Scritptrunner Version Synchroniser Listener that looks for releases in one project and then pushes the releases to the others.

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Tessa Tuteleers
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January 13, 2023

Hi @RonnyBonny , 

Releases are in the scope of 1 specific project. 
If you want to create cross-project releases, you should look into a view of advanced roadmaps where you can bundle releases of the different projects into one big cross-project releases. 

However, the question itself is quite interesting, Jira looks at projects as a codebase. Everything that can be released together should be in 1 project. So I wonder how you have scoped the jira projects in your organisation, as this could change the answer to a good solution for your organisation. 

- Tessa

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Ste Wright
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
January 13, 2023

Hi @RonnyBonny 

Fix Versions are Project-specific - natively, they're not shared across Projects.

You can either:


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