Has anyone integrated JIRA with the ServiceNow ITSM product?

Deleted user October 19, 2011

Just wondering if anyone out there is passing any data back and forth from ServiceNow to Jira. Thanks.

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bmoomaw October 23, 2011

a bit of clarification:

1. we definitely want to take incidents from ServiceNow and create issues in Jira/GreenHopper.

2. We also want to keep product releases and Scrum sprints that are defined in ServiceNow and port them into Jira as projects and sprints, as well as update the other direction when we the sprint estimates and actual work change.

3. we want to summarize the time worked on a sprint for each individual and updated estimates of remaining time and send this information to ServiceNow on a daily basis.

4. we are also considering keeping things updated at one more level down - having our users request their feature requirements (Scrum stories) in ServiceNow, and also relate them to sprints and releases in SN. Then, port the entire project - releases, sprints and stories, and their relationships w each other, into Jira. Then, on a daily basis, pump any changes to this into Jira as people change stuff in SN. I know your first question is "why would one want to do somethign this stupid", but i'm challenged by the fact that our service now folks have ServiceNow's scrum module (which is terrible) but are using it for things in addition to software development, and are trying to suggest that it's the answer for anyone who wants to do requirements definition and backlog management... and they are insisting that it should be the repository for timekeeping data for all IT employeees. so i'm trying to gather the data to make a case for a more intelligent way of doing things. thanks for any insight anyone might provide.

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May 24, 2018

This has been unanswered for a while, any chance you found a solution?

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