Has anyone developed a filter to display the parent task with its sub-task?

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March 6, 2020

I have a filter that shows all CRs in consecutive order. The problem is that sub-tasks are often not created in conjunction with the 'parent' resulting in a list that does not show parent and sub-task together. Is there a way to do this?


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Ste Wright
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March 8, 2020

Hi @mary.coffee

You can add "ORDER BY Rank ASC" to the end of your JQL search.

This will order the issues based on their global rank, and include the sub-tasks below each issue.

The rank is based on the order of the issues on your board, so I would use a Backlog to order the CRs in the right order if they aren't when using Rank now.


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khalid alqahtani March 6, 2020

Dear @mary.coffee 

You need displayed in board or in JQL or where?

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