Green Hopper in JIRA 4.4

Deepak Bhatia October 10, 2011


I have read in release notes for Jira 4.4, Green Hopper 4.7.1 is included.

Was Green Hopper never included in JIRA prior to 4.4 ?


Deepak Bhatia

2 answers

1 vote
Jo-Anne MacLeod
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October 10, 2011

Greenhopper used to be a separate install, it now is included. However, greenhopper is still licensed separately, and costs additional money.

0 votes
Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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October 10, 2011

Um, I don't see it in there. There is a picture that mentions it, but I can't see something that says "Greenhopper now included in Jira".

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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October 10, 2011

I read the headline releases for 4.4, which don't mention it.

I knew Atlassian were going to bundle it in an install sooner or later, just to save people who have it enabled a bit of fuss on install, and to make testing easier.

As Jo-Anne says, it's still licensed separately, so it's not a particularly important bundling.

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