Get Reporter Email/ID on Powerautomate

Rajat Bhattarai April 3, 2024

Hi Team, 


I am testing some approval settings with Microsoft form and utilizing power automate to link it with Jira.

When I ask my colleague to submit the form, it comes under my name on the reporter inside Jira.I need to have the reported ID/Email tagged somewhere so that the respective responder details are present. I tried playing with few options inside microsoft flow but no luck as of now. Their "Create Issue in Jira" has this option but this step is outdate now, there is "Create issue in Jira V3" which doesn't have reporter ID option available. I was wondering if anyone had success doing it??

Thank you in advance.

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Julian Taylor
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Add an action of Get User Profile with User (UPN) as Responders Email (
Initialise a variable of type string
set variable using the initialised variable name and as the value use 


Now add an action of type Compose. Your format should be JSON and will look something like

    "reporter": "@{variables('YOURVARIABLENAME')}",
    "assignee": "@{variables(' ANEMAILADDRESS')}",
    "fields": "@outputs('SUMMARYANDDESCRIPTION')"

In the above 'fields' are a separate compose of summary and description, both of which may be required by Jira

In the Create Issue in Jira make sure that Item has the compose action.

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Mark Armstrong
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May 21, 2024

Any joy on this? I'm having same issue.


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