Get All IssueTypes for IssueTypeScheme

Steffen Becker December 20, 2018

I try to get all IssueTypes for a certain IssueTypeScheme.

Here is what I have so far:

import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
def schemeManager = ComponentAccessor.issueTypeSchemeManager
def sb = new StringBuilder()
schemeManager.getAllSchemes().each {
if(it.getAssociatedProjectObjects().size() == 0 && !it.isGlobal()) {
catch(Exception e) {
sb.append("Error: " + e + "<br/>\n");
return sb.toString()

This results in a list of the expected IssueTypeSchemes (all with no associated projects) but I always get an empty result for my List of Issue Types inside that Scheme.

Edit: on top of that, I'd like to delete all IssueTypeSchemes w/o associated projects - but I didn't found sth. like a "removeIssueTypeScheme" method for my schemeManager.

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Tarun Sapra
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December 20, 2018

Hello @Steffen Becker

Did you try adding logging and see whats getting printed or try the code in the script console


if(it.getAssociatedProjectObjects().size() == 0 && !it.isGlobal()) {
// print the contained issuetypes
it.getAssociatedIssueTypes().each {
//print here

Steffen Becker December 20, 2018

I run in the script console.

Your suggestion prints out nothing.

Also the following prints out "0" for all schemes (but ofc all my IssueTypeScheme contain some IssueTypes):

Tarun Sapra
Community Leader
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December 20, 2018

Can you please share the screenshot of the exact code and the console output. Because it's hard to beleive that the issueType scheme contains the issueTypes yet it's displayed as 0 in the logs.

schemeManager.getAllSchemes().each {

print it.getName() // here you can check if you see the name of all the issueTypeschemes and then see the issueTypes contained in them


Steffen Becker December 20, 2018


Tarun Sapra
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December 20, 2018

Hello @Steffen Becker

Thanks for sharing the screenshot, just a hunch, I feel that the method

"getAssociatedIssueTypes" is returning 0 because "getAssociatedProjectObjects" is returning 0 , i.e. the method "getAssociatedIssueTypes" returns only the issueTypes which are actually part of an scheme which is associated with an project. 

Can you remove the criteria "getAssociatedProjectObjects.size() ==0" and see if there is output for the method "getAssociatedIssueTypes" because if there is an output in this case then it will be bug in the API as there seems to be no way to get issueTypes of schemes which are not having any associated projects.

Steffen Becker December 20, 2018

Thank you for your support so far!

When I just change the == 0 condition to != 0 , then I get the following output:

[Scheme] Agile Scrum Issue Type Scheme
Error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method getName() on null object
[Scheme] APM: Scrum Issue Type Scheme
Error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method getName() on null object
Steffen Becker December 20, 2018

I don't know if it matters, but I'm using a ScriptRunner evaluation licence.

Tarun Sapra
Community Leader
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December 20, 2018

Hello @Steffen Becker

I did some testing on my end and here's what I found

The method "getAssociatedIssueTypes()" for FieldConfigScheme always returns NULL irrespective of associated projects or no associated projects. I don't know why it always returns null but that seems to be the case. I am using 7.11 version of Jira.

In order to get the issueTypes of a projects I used below code

def schemeManager = ComponentAccessor.issueTypeSchemeManager
def projectManager = ComponentAccessor.projectManager
def project = projectManager.getProjectByCurrentKeyIgnoreCase("ABC")
def fieldScheme = schemeManager.getConfigScheme(project)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder()
schemeManager.getIssueTypesForProject(project).each {
/* this returns the issue types correctly */
return builder.toString()

In the above code the variable "fieldScheme" is redundant because even after I do

return  fieldScheme.getAssociatedIssueTypes() 

I always get null thus in order to get issueTypes associated with a project (not a scheme) I used

schemeManager.getIssueTypesForProject(project).each {

Thus, I don't know how in the APIs we can get issueTypes which are associated with a issueTypeScheme directly instead of going via querying the project route just like I have done it. 

May be you can use the same approach as I have used, in the code get the associated projects using


And then use below code for each project Object, this approach should definitely work!

schemeManager.getIssueTypesForProject(project).each {


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Suji Shyam June 28, 2020

I tried the above script in my script runner console and i get null value as a result.

Kindly suggest a way. To get the issue type of the project and calculation for the field values inside a particular issue type.

Hannes Medwed
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February 17, 2022

@Steffen Becker 

I had the same problem with JIRA 8.21 and found a solution to determine all issue types for all issue type schemes.


import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor 
def schemeManager = ComponentAccessor.issueTypeSchemeManager
List Types
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder()
schemeManager.getAllSchemes().each{ it ->
Types=schemeManager.getIssueTypesForScheme(it) as List
builder.append(it.getName()+"=> "+Types.toString())

return builder.toString()



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