Generate Message from team field

Jan-Hendrik Wolf April 3, 2024


we have the requirement that new issues are not assigned directly to individual users, but to a group of people. We want to support the pull principle and everyone should be able to consciously take on the tasks. It is important that the group of people is notified about the new task and can also be filtered afterwards using JQL.

So far, we have used system users for this, which have a mail distribution list defined behind them to get a notification. However, the disadvantages are:

  • we need another Jira software license for each group of people
  • group/mail distribution membership must be maintained via Active Directory

We have now looked at the new Teams field in Jira and believe that it brings us many advantages. However, we have not yet figured out how to ensure that a notification is sent when the field in the request is filled with a team. Unfortunately, the Teams field can only be used very rudimentarily in automations.

Has anyone here already had experiences that could help us further? Or is there perhaps a much better approach to solving our requirement?




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