Format issue of Confluence

Olive Sun November 29, 2018

Hi All, 


When i edit in wiki and add following table, everything looks good.

While Editing.png

But after publishing, it shows in the wrong format.

After Publishing.png

Anyone who could hep figure out why this happened?




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November 29, 2018

Hi @Olive Sun!

Might check your view settings in your browser - if any magnification is active ("zoom" not at 100%), that 1-pixel line between the cells of the second row may not be visible.

Another thought that occurs to me is that if these are not native "X" and "checkmark" characters, they may be interfering with the rendering of the cell border.

Hope this helps,
~~Larry Brock

Olive Sun November 29, 2018

Hi @LarryBrock

I change the percent of "zoom" but nothing changed.

And I added one copy which removed those characters, it still shows w/ wrong format.

Still Wrong.pngBTW, I used the "code block" macro in this wiki page, I don't know if that is the root cause. 

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November 29, 2018

Is the table inside the code block?  If so, does a table outside the code-block render any differently?

Do you have any table add-ons installed that let you format the cell border?  If so, is the non-title cell border set to clear?

Olive Sun November 29, 2018

All tables are outside that code-block and no table add-ons installed.

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November 29, 2018

Guess I'm going to have to sleep on this one and/or get some other more Confluence-savy folks to add their thoughts here.  I'm running out of ideas....

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December 10, 2018

@Olive Sun- any luck on getting the correct formatting to display?  I've asked around several places but I've not made any progress. :-(

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