Filter Out Epics

Anoop Kumar May 13, 2024


I'm looking for JQL to filter epics which have a certain fixversion tagged to the stories or tasks inside the epics. 

For Example,

  • if my Epic id is ABCD-123 and it has stories lets say ST-1, ST-2, ST-3,ST-4 and ST-5. 
  • Only ST-1 and ST-2 are tagged to a fixversion say "2305". 

How can I filter the epics based on the fixversion tagged to the stories init? I tried using many combinations but was unsuccessful. 


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Jack Brickey
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May 13, 2024

Hi @Anoop Kumar , what do you mean by "filter out"?

Are you trying to find stories under a specific epic that has a specific fix version?

parent = ABCD-123 and fixVersions = 2305

or maybe you want to find all epics where one or more of the associated children are in a certain version?

FixVersions = 2305 and parent is not empty ... then add parent field to the columns to visualize the Epic

Anoop Kumar May 13, 2024

Exactly this is what I'm trying to do - "maybe you want to find all epics where one or more of the associated children are in a certain version

The issue I'm facing is, I want to place this filter on a confluence page using the Jira Issue/Filter macro. I used the following query: 

fixVersion = "SR240515" and "Parent Link" is NOT EMPTY and issuetype in standardIssueTypes()

This query returns 88 tickets. Now my objective is there are a few epics tagged to these 88 tickets. I want to show those epic names on a confluence page as part of a report. When I place the above-mentioned query in the macro and select Epic Link or Epic Name or Parent Link from the fields to display, it returns 88 rows of Epic names. But i need only one entry for one epic, so that I can report these are the epics which has stories tagged to the SR240515 fix version. 


As you can see in the below screenshot epic names are repeated because that much no. of tickets are returned in the results. 

Screenshot 2024-05-13 180213.png

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