Fields & Trac Import

Hamid Abdollahi
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January 5, 2012


We are trying to migrate our Trac database to JIRA. The instruction on the website doesn't seem to be helpful. I was hoping I can get more help from your support.

How do we migrate our current Trac database to JIRA?

I also have questions regarding the fields. How do I make a field required? Basically, when creating a bug, there are some fields that I want to make mandatory. I can't seem to find answer to this on your website.



2 answers

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Ellen Feaheny [AppFusions]
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January 6, 2012

We are doing this integration for a customer now - also with SVN integration. Initially using this plugin -

... which gets you further along (and kudos for that - better than nothing), but does not solve all problems.

But just like the UWC for Confluence, the importer is a tool, not a silver bullet and will not solve all cases possible. Its never that simple. But by analyzing the data, we are figuring out ways to automate more of the fixes, as we go.

Hard to give a more concrete answer than that since you just have to work through it, step by step, many test runs, analyze, tweak, run, tweak, etc.. - and eventually get there.

If you want some help, we're happy to help you get there - indeed experience helps after a while on these migrations.


p.s. Not sure if this question was OnDemand related - but the migration we are working on is same flavor (moving to OnDemand, eventually - once we get a stable migrated JIRA system off-line first.)

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Louie Penaflor January 5, 2012

This probably isn't the answer you're looking for, but I thought I'd comment on some experience I've had in this area. We also previously used trac and have moved over to JIRA. Unfortunately we were not able to get any of the migration scripts to work (this is around 2 years ago). And we slowlly manually moved all new tickets/content over to JIRA/confluence. Yes it was a lot work but there was silver lining to it as well. We didn't add old tickets just the new ones. The product features are similar but the workflows are different between the two. We actually improved our process by also using greenhopper as well. There were times where you had to log into both systems to find something in the wiki but it wasn't that painful. We just had to understand that the trac tickets were no longer valid. Again, it might not be the answer you are looking for but I've been there and stick with it.

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