Fetch all projects per group for specific user using Jira's REST API

edellucien August 1, 2017

I would like to fetch all projects, for a group, for which a specific user has access, not for me as an ADMIN.
This question have been asked, by Luigi Lalonde,  but not answered in a comment in the post : https://community.atlassian.com/t5/JIRA-questions/How-to-list-all-projects-a-user-has-access-to-using-Jira-s-REST/qaq-p/423593?posted=617858#U617858

I create this post to try to find an answer to this because it seems there is no direct way of doing it throughJIRA rest api.

Use of /rest/api/2/project does not work because it return only the projects visible for the currently logged account.

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