Estimation time is empty in card layout on project board

Irina Sklyarenko
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January 17, 2019

Hello all!

I estimated all tasks in current sprint, but estimation time in card layout (number in grey circle) is empty on project board. I tried to play with "Card layout" and "Estimation" sections in Board Settings, but it did not help

UPD: found the reason, but not the solution. Estimation time in card layout is "remaining time" in fact, not "original estimate". But when I estimate task using card detailed view in right column only original estimate is set, remaining time stays empty. I need to open edit page for each task and set remaining estimate manually. I'm sure that this value was set automatically before






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Dave Theodore [Coyote Creek Consulting]
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January 17, 2019

Go in to the configuration for your Agile Board, select the "Estimation" menu item from the left side, and make sure it is set to "Original Estimate." Sounds like it's probably set to use Story Points or some other measure of estimation.

Irina Sklyarenko
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January 17, 2019

No, I already checked this section and I'm sure that we use Estimation Statistic "Original Time Estimate" and Time Tracking "Remaining Estimate and Time Spent"

I noticed another thing, please look at update in question

Dave Theodore [Coyote Creek Consulting]
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January 17, 2019

Ah ok.  I think you may have the wrong field on your Edit Screen.  There are two fields that are used for the Time Tracking feature in Jira.

Log Work - Adds the "Remaining Estimate" field and, depending on the version of Jira, adds either a checkbox "Log Work" which exposes the "Log Work" and other related work logging fields or there is no checkbox and the logging work fields are present at all times.

Time Tracking - Adds the "Original Estimate" and "Remaining Estimate" fields to the screen.

I think you have the Log Work field on your Edit Screen (in your Screen Scheme) and you need to have the Time Tracking field instead/as well.

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