Email This Issue plugin (Jira Data Center) not showing 'Email This Issue' button on certain projects

Aidan Satterwhite November 14, 2024



I've had a user request to add the 'Email This Issue' button to their project within our Jira Data Center (on-premise) installation. I was initially surprised as I thought that this button was available on all projects by default, but after much investigation, it appears as though it's possible that projects created using a template under the 'Software' classification may prevent this button from appearing? I checked a few other projects under the 'Business' classification, and it looked as though they all had access to the 'Email This Issue' button. I also took an extensive look at the Email This Issue add-on configuration settings, but couldn't identify any place to explicitly add or remove this button from specific projects. I also did some reading in the Email This Issue official documentation, but couldn't find anything solid there either. Does anyone know:

1) If the Email This Issue plugin supports projects made with templates under the 'Software' category (Scrum, Kanban, SoftDev, etc.)?

2) If there is a way to enable this plugin per project, or if it's a global on/off switch that impacts all "compatible" projects.

3) If I'm missing something entirely here and there's some configuration that should allow for this regardless of project creation procedure.

Thank you!

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Tuncay Senturk
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November 16, 2024

Hi @Aidan Satterwhite 

I think it'd be best to submit a support request. I trust their support team will answer quickly.

Aidan Satterwhite November 18, 2024

Oh, thank you. I've reached out to them directly

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