Does Spill over story becomes part of the commitment(Velocity) in next sprint?

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July 8, 2020

So i have a story which is getting spilled over to next sprint... In that case will the story story point of the spilled over story becomes part of commitment (velocity) of next sprint (i.e. sprint that will be kick-started).

Here please assume we could not pick the story in question to be worked upon in the previous closed sprint so it is as new as picking something from backlog and assigning it to a current sprint (prior to kick-starting it)

so will the story point get counted under commitments list under the velocity chart consideration? My understanding is Yes it should... Need a confirmation here...

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 13, 2020

Yes.  Jira does not care how an issue went into the next sprint.  When you close sprint X with open issues, those open issues are put into sprint x+1.  You committed to doing them in sprint X because they were the highest ranked and you thought you could do them, so in most cases you'll want to commit to doing them again in the next sprint.

Why its in the sprint is irrelevant.  It gets counted because it is in the sprint.

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