Does JIRA provide search functionality

Deleted user October 6, 2011

We are planning to implement JIRA for our support desk system. Users come in to the support deak for questions like they are looking to a generate a specific report, they need password resets, they are looking for upcoming trainings, how to get access to the new tool etc.

Does JIRA's serach functionality enables users (of that company) to search for similar issues and look for resolutions before opening a new ticket?

3 answers

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Julien Hoarau
Rising Star
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October 6, 2011

JIRA has a good search functionality built-in so your users should be able to search for existing issues.

You could also used the SuggestiMate plugin that shows duplicate/related issue when the user creates a new issue.

Deleted user October 6, 2011

Thanks Julien. That's what I was looking for. It really helps.

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Deleted user October 6, 2011

Thanks Jim. I want to make sure that users don't come in and have to type in for some common issues "like how do I reset my password?" etc. again and again. They should be able to search for those existing issues and get their answers instead of submitting a new issue.Or if the question comes in again, we should be able to point the user to that previous answer instead of answering the question all over again.

Thanks for your help!

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Jim McCaskey October 6, 2011

Jira has lots of different ways to search.

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