Does Hercules (Support Tools Plugin) support JIRA-Studio version 5.0 ?

Weicheong Neo April 9, 2012

Currently, we are using JIRA(v5.0) + GreenHopper (v5.9) for Agile team development.

It is hosted locally and we would like to install Hercules plugin <>

May I know does above Hercules plugin support JIRA v5.0 ?

Thank you.

1 answer

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Dennis Kromhout van der Meer
Rising Star
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April 9, 2012

JIRA 5 is bundled with the Support Tools Plugin, which means that it's supported and it should be already there :) It's also included for Atlassian OnDemand users.

Weicheong Neo April 9, 2012

Thanks Dennis, may I know or show me how to enable it or direct me to related how to articles ? Thanks

Dennis Kromhout van der Meer
Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 9, 2012

We have the Support Tools Plugin User Guide, which should get you on your way. What is it that you're trying to achieve?

Weicheong Neo April 9, 2012

okay thanks. In our product development team, we gather a lot of bugs/technical issues reported by clients and internal users. As we resolve the bugs/issues and grow our knowledge bases, we want to use Hercules to scan the log for new issues raised and match it to known issues with solution.

Dennis Kromhout van der Meer
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
April 9, 2012

Unfortunately this is impossible at the moment, therefore I raised a feature request for you here:

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