Divergent Roadmaps between server and cloud

Deleted user October 18, 2018

Hi- I am working to test migrating from cloud to server. I see our teams already using cloud roadmaps but I don't see this feature on server. Is this a new divergent feature path? Previously my understand was the only feature that would not translate from cloud to server was going to be Boards.

Thank you

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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October 18, 2018

Yes, they have been diverging significantly for a long time.  Cloud has a different UI, Next-Gen boards in Software, business boards in Core, a new issue layout, and and and.

Deleted user October 18, 2018

Hi Nic-

Thank you. I am aware that they have different development teams and features, especially around UX (sadly) and and and... :)

It was previously explained to me that by migrating from cloud to server, Kanban Boards are lost, but can be recreated with maintaining the integrity of the data associated with the Issues, which I have validated. And nothing else is lost. 

I have one team that is using roadmaps in Cloud, but I don't see an analogous feature in server- so I assume this will be lost entirely? I'm trying to get a explicit yes/no answer on this for my users. I'm guessing this is a yes, they are lost?

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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October 18, 2018

It's similar to boards - the underlying data is mostly there, but for roadmaps, yes, the function to show them to users is not on Server, so there's nothing to fire up that looks at the data.

Deleted user October 18, 2018

thanks :)

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