Different backlog views

Simon Jackson March 26, 2024

We run 2 main projects in jira and the backlogs look different

board 1 we can expand the parent to see the estimates of the subtasks



however, on the 2nd board, this is not an option



any thoughts please

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Youngmu Yang March 26, 2024

Hi, @Simon Jackson .

Have you checked the project type? I experienced the the similar issues when I create team-managed project's sprint. As far as I know, There was some limitation of layouts for the team-managed project compared to the company-managed project.

As long as you created sub-tasks as child issue for the Story issues (2nd pic) and the issue-related schemas has same structure to 1st pic's project settings, it might be caused by the difference between company-managed and team-managed project.

Hopefully help you.

Simon Jackson March 27, 2024

@Youngmu Yanghow do we see if the project is team versus company managed

Youngmu Yang March 29, 2024

@Simon Jackson 

You can check by clicking the Project Settings tab.

See the bottom label --You're in a company-managed project


Simon Jackson April 3, 2024

both projects are company managed so must be another setting somewhere

Youngmu Yang April 10, 2024

I am sorry to hear that. I hope you find the corresponding schema as soon as possible.

Simon Jackson April 12, 2024

@Youngmu Yangall sorted thanks. Had a filter on that was changing the way the data was viewed


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