Did not receive $15 gift card

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March 31, 2024

I completed the Jira software survey and it was mentioned that you will receive a 15 dollar gift card. At the end I have given my email and backup email address as well still did not received my e gift card. Can anyone please help here?

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Jimmy Seddon
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March 31, 2024

Hi @Shreya,

Welcome to the community!

I'm not exactly sure which survey you may have completed, but I do know with past surveys Atlassian has done, there are sometimes:

  • a limit of the number of people who complete it
  • a time frame to complete it by
  • a random drawing from the names of people to fill it out

Any of these could be possible reasons why you didn't receive the gift card you believe you should have.

I hope that helps.

Matthew Ludwig
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
April 2, 2024

I received the survey yesterday, so either Jira is purposely being unclear about the rules in order to collect user info + survey responses or something else is wrong here.

I don't appreciate a community leader brushing away concerns so nonchalantly without doing any research on the survey in question.  This was a long survey asking new Jira users to give information on what features they've used/will use, what purposes they use Jira for, etc...  lots of valuable information collected from your users...

In case it helps with locating the survey in question, at the end of mine I was asked if I'd be willing to do follow up interviews with Atlassian.  They even suggested these interviews would pay per hour you're interviewed, but maybe Atlassian has hidden some fine print there too.

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