Deploying Jira via rpm?

ZZ Zimmerman October 19, 2011

I'm considering running Jira 5 in the cloud. To do so I would need to build an rpm script to deploy Jira onto the instance. Has anyone deployed Jira by rpm before? Just want to see if anyone has done this before jumping in myself.


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April 12, 2013

Hi there,

There is no problem to deploy JIRA as RPM, but deployment using "exploded EAR-WAR" it's a very easyer way to deploy in large environments.

Bishop Clark
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September 1, 2018

Something easyer[sic] than "yum install jira"?  It's 16 letters; less when included as part of a TRIVIAL cookbook.  When linked as a dependency, it doesn't even need to be mentioned directly.  And at EVERY point in the install, it's coordinating with the central database to ensure it has what it needs and doesn't become orphaned during upgrades.

I'd like to see something easier than that.  I worry that this WAR file doesn't even register itself into the database, and that regular patch runs can orphan it into causing an outage.

Of course, I'm probably preaching to the choir, here:  Atlassian, as an enterprise company, of course knows the value of all this.  It's basic stuff.

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