I have a custom listener that uses a third party application to populate a custom field(sdsk reference #)within an issue, this is populated correctly on creation of the issue. I am using a variable(sdsk reference #) within a custom email post function, which populates the custom field(sdsk reference #) in the email preview, but does not send the email as the variable is actually null. When I remove the if condition the email is sent but the value of the variable is blank. It seems like it maybe a timing issue? Any help would be appreciated.
Custom Email Condition and Configuration
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
def customFieldManager = ComponentAccessor.getCustomFieldManager()
def sdskCf = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName('SDSK Reference #')
if (issue.getCustomFieldValue(sdskCf) != null || issue.getCustomFieldValue(sdskCf) != "") {
log.warn("Got SDSK Number:" + issue.getCustomFieldValue(sdskCf))
config.sdsknumber = issue.getCustomFieldValue(sdskCf)
} else {
log.warn("Didn't find SDSK Number")
config.sdsknumber = "No Value."
Email template:
<p>The SDSK ticket number is: $sdsknumber</p>
The listener fires as soon as the issue is created and populates the custom field. This is done on the create transition
The Custom email post function is trigged on the resolved transition: