Hi, I am trying to set up a Smartsheet connecter with my org's Jira to list any tickets created by my team members. The Reporter format would either be an email address or by last name, first name. I am trying to set it up but any time I try to enter more than 1 Reporter I get an error similar to: Invalid JQL. {"errorMessages":["Error in the JQL Query: Expecting ')' but got '('. (line 1, character 102)"],"errors":{}}
I am not at all familiar with JQL and have tried with my basic understanding to apply the same rules and principles I'm seeing to enter more than 1 name. I also counted to the character specified in the error above and changed to ( "as expected" but this didn't work and I don't see the logic in it anyways.
Full JQL:
project in ('PROJ1', 'PROJ2', 'PROJ3') and (reporter = 'last name, first name1') order by id
This works:
(reporter = 'last name, first name1')
(reporter = 'name@test.com')
Anything more than 1 doesn't:
(reporter = 'last name, first name1', 'last name, first name2')
(reporter = 'last name, first name1' OR 'last name, first name2')
(reporter = 'name1@test.com', 'name2@test.com', 'name3@test.com')
Is it even possible to do this?