Custom Chart for Worklogs

Katelyn O'Brien May 15, 2024

I am working on a Custom Chart gadget for our development team. The goal of the gadget is to show their (current user's) worklog totals for the week.

At first I had the following settings: 

Chart Type - 2D Chart

Source = Custom JQL: worklogAuthor = currentUser() 

Chart By = WorkLog Date

Group By = Key


This works great except when another user has a worklog on the same day and same ticket as the current user. In this case, the other users' worklog total is included in the result. I can understand this, as the JQL is querying for issues, not necessarily worklogs.

Replacing Group BY: Key with Group By: worklogAuthor shows the breakdown, but we don't want the current user to see other users' worklogs. 


Any suggestions on how we can build a gadget in a dashboard that shows a current user's worklogs per ticket per day?


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Sushant Verma
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May 15, 2024

Hi @Katelyn O_Brien 

Welcome to the community!

To build a gadget that shows a current user's worklogs per ticket per day, you can make use of Jira's built-in gadgets and customize the settings as follows:

1. Add the "Filter Results" gadget to your dashboard:

2. Configure the "Filter Results" gadget:

In the "Filter" field, enter a JQL query to filter the tickets you want to include in the gadget. For example, you can use: "worklogAuthor = currentUser()".

3. Add the "Two Dimensional Filter Statistics" gadget to your dashboard

4. Configure the "Two Dimensional Filter Statistics" gadget
In the "Filter" field, choose the same JQL query used in the "Filter Results" gadget.
In the "Statistic Type" section, select "Worklog" from the dropdown menu.
In the "Group By" section, select "Issue" and "Day".

With these settings, the "Filter Results" gadget will show the filtered list of tickets for the current user, and the "Two Dimensional Filter Statistics" gadget will display the worklog totals per ticket per day for the filtered tickets.

Hope it will help!

Sushant Verma

Katelyn O'Brien May 15, 2024

Thank you for your quick reply! I started in Two-Dimensional Filter Statistics, but I've found that I am lacking the Statistic Type field...I used this quite a bit in a previous Jira environment and wasn't sure if its function had changed since that time. Is this a bug? Possibly just a setting I am missing in this new to me Jira environment?

Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 9.38.54 PM.pngThis failed route led me to try to use the new gadget for Custom Charts...which are pretty nice, but not doing what I had hoped for this case.

Sushant Verma
Community Leader
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May 17, 2024

@Katelyn O_Brien  The absence of the Statistic Type field in the Two-Dimensional Filter Statistics gadget might be due to a configuration issue or a difference in the Jira version you are currently using.

Sushant Verma

Katelyn O'Brien May 23, 2024

I'm suspecting the former...I'll do some digging. Thank you for your response!

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