Crucible workflow with Jira integrated

kamal2222ahmed November 7, 2011

Is it possible to create a workflow, such that Fisheye/Crucible will detect changes in Jira Ticket and will create or Modify reviews.
Reviews are linked to Jira issues by "hg commit -m "message"


1. Developer makes commits locally
2. developer pushes to main repo
3. Fisheye/Crucible will detect changes in Jira Ticket and will create or Modify reviews. Reviews are linked to Jira issues by "hg commit -m "message"
4. A review should be assigned to:
a) reviewer: This shall be a combination round-robin of people who worked on that code previously , balanced by # of reviews assigned
b) An issue cannot be closed until a review is complete
c) A Commit should ONLY bypass this process if the message starts with "NO-REVIEW"

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 8, 2011

It is possible to both transition a JIRA issue, and/or create and/or modify a Crucible review on commit, but it isn't possible for Fisheye or Crucible to detect changes from the Jira issue automatically though. See for information on using smart commits.

For workflow step number 4 a), you'd have to pick out the reviewers to add to the review - at the moment there isn't a way to automatically add reviewers based on the commit itself.

For 4 b), this is achieved by adding a workflow condition to your issue; specifically, the Reviewed Condition. For 4 c), it is currently not built in, but it is possible to write a commit hook plugin to do that.

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