Creating structure formula using SIL script custom field

ReNe March 6, 2020


I would like to use a formula in Structure (e.g., SUM), where one of the field values is coming from a SIL script custom field (returning a number).

The SIL script custom field is calculating the total price for a specific amount of items. I would like to sum this total price using a structure.  The searcher of the SIL custom field is set to "Number range searcher". 


Unfortunately, this formula is not computing anything. Does anyone have a hint?

Thank you in advance.


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Stepan Kholodov _ALM Works_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
March 6, 2020

Hello Reinhard,


The Formula column by default can only recognise Jira formats, so when it comes to custom fields provided by third-party apps, such fields can have their own formats that can be unknown to the Formula.


You can try to resolve this problem by tweaking the Formula column’s configuration:


  1. Type the name of the SIL script custom field in a formula and when it is recognised on the list of variables(and the formula returns nothing), click on the variable;
  2. Select Manual Specification on the dropdown list and if you see at the end there: "format":"text"}, change text to html. This might work to display the fields’s values in the column.


If the field’s values are shown as numbers, aggregate functions should also work. But if the numeric value is wrapped in some text(for example, if the value is 'The price is X'), then you can additionally use the MID function in the formula to cut off all the extra text and only show the numeric part.


I hope this helps. Please feel free to contact us via in case you need further assistance, we’ll be glad to look deeper into you use-case.


Best regards,

Stepan Kholodov

ALM Works

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