Create a Pie Chart using the field "story point estimate"

Juan Manuel Ramos Taboada September 26, 2023

Hi Community,

I am working in a team-managed project with a Scrum board. I am trying to create a dashboard with a pie chart using the "story point estimate" field as variable, but so far I am unable to do so since JIRA is not allowing me to select such field from the pull down menu.

Can somebody help me, please?

Thanks in advance!

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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September 26, 2023

Hi @Juan Manuel Ramos Taboada , indeed story point estimate is not an option for this gadget. You might check the Marketplace if that is an option for you. I don't have experience with any such gadget so cannot direct you on that front.

Juan Manuel Ramos Taboada September 26, 2023

Thank you Jack!

0 votes
Marlene Kegel - codefortynine
Atlassian Partner
October 2, 2023

Hi @Juan Manuel Ramos Taboada,

I am Marlene from codefortynine.

With our app Quick Filters for Jira Dashboards it is possible to create pie charts from any Jira number field, including story point estimate.

You can check out our app without installation on our demo dashboards. 


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Mehmet A _Bloompeak_
Atlassian Partner
September 26, 2023

Hi @Juan Manuel Ramos Taboada

You can try Reports - Charts and Graphs for Jira Dashboard app developed by our team to create various reports, charts and graphs for your Jira projects.

  • You can create custom, flexible and colorful bar charts and table views for any data you want/need. As data source, you can choose Projects or Saved Filters or Advanced (JQL).
  • You can set X axis to be any parameter like Created(month), Assignee, Sprint, Fix Versions etc.
  • You can set Y axis to be any parameter like number of issues, sum of remaining estimates, average of story points etc.
  • You can group your data on any field(Sprint, Status, Assignee, Component, Project etc.) you want.
  • You can choose various date ranges like All Time, Last Year, Last 3 Months, Last 6 Months etc.
  • You can modify existing Segments or add new segments.
  • You can order the results by drag and drop.

Here is our live demo dashboard where you can see and modify sample reports and play with them. For more detail, you can have a look at Reports - Charts and Graphs for Jira How to Videos and How to Create Custom and Flexible Reports, Charts and Graphs in Jira article.

If you are looking for a completely free solution, you can try the limited version Reports - Charts and Graphs for Jira Dashboard Free.

Hope it helps.

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