Crash report customization on JIRA mobile connect

A November 14, 2011


can some please guide me in this matter?

I have integrated JIRA mobile connect in my iphone app (iOS) but I would like to customize the crash report that it submits to JIRA. could not find any proper documentation about Jira Mobile Connect.

Any help will be appriciated.



5 answers

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Josh Devenny
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 17, 2011

Hi Anand,

Please see the following question and corresponding answer for your Android query:



A November 29, 2011

Thanks a lot for your help.

1 vote
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 14, 2011

Hi Anand,

Customization for JMC can be achieved by implementing any of the methods on the JMCCustomDataSource protocol.

There is an example of this in the AngryNerds Sample App. See these methods:

You can currently configure the following:

  • customFields (a map of fieldname --> field value)
  • a custom attachment
  • the issue type to set
  • the components to set (a map of compontent name --> component value)

We will be rolling out more online documentation for these shortly. Thanks for raising this. Let us know if there are any other options you think would be useful.

Other general JMC options are also able to be set on the JMCOptions object that can get set when you configure JMC in your app delegate.



0 votes
A November 15, 2011

ok.Thanks for the guidance.

Is JMC available also on Android platform?


0 votes
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 14, 2011

Hi Anand,

If you wish to add that string in the description of the Issue in JIRA, then append it to the description argument in the JMCCrashTransport - (void)send:(NSString *)subject description:(NSString *)description crashReport:(NSString *)crashReport:


This is currently not a configuration option in JMC, however we could make it one in a future version. I have created for this.

For the time being, appending to the description, (or setting it to something else) should do the trick.



0 votes
A November 14, 2011

Hi Nick,

Thank you for your reply. I did see that example. I am trying to do something different.

I have 8 view controllers and I wish to catch exceptions globally not through each viewcontroller. And on the crash report I want to include the following feedbackstring.

NSString *feedbackstring = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"ExName:%@\r\nExReason:%@\r\nExUserInfo:%@\r\ncallStackSymbols:%@ \r\n callStackReturnAddresses:%@\r\nVersion %@",, exception.reason, exception.userInfo, [NSThread callStackSymbols], [exception callStackReturnAddresses], [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleVersion"]];

How can I do it using JMC?

Thanks in advance.


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