So I added a costume filter for priority DESC, but it's not working, at all.
not in the board, not in the backlog...and it's activated.
what could be the problem?
Hi guys, thanks for replying.
I'm adding screen shots.
yes, i do want the tickets to be sorted from the highest to lowest priority.
phase 1:
phase 2:
Hi Hofit - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!
I suspect you’re wanting to put the priorities in order by their severity more or less. But Jira put them in order alphabetically. So most people will do 1 – lowest, 2 – medium, 3 – high, etc. for the values.
if you could share some screenshots of what you’re talking about, that would be most helpful.
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You are going to have to do what I said then. Edit the values of each priority to add a number in front - whatever order you want. Then you can get what you want to achieve.
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I tried it
I tried both ASC & DESC, still not working. there no response :(
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What do you mean by there no response?
What did you do and what happened?
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I created 2 costume filters (order by priority ASC / DESC), tried them both, and there was no change in the bord or in the backlog
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No, indeed. You cannot use a quick filter to define the sorting of your issues, as I mentioned before in the first comment below my initial reply. Quick filters are filtering issues, not sorting them.
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You would need to change the filter that that board is using.
Or create Swimlanes for each Priority
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Hi @Hofit Levy and welcome to the Community!
Happy to help, but could you share more details? What is the exact filter you implemented? Where did you implement it, how did you activate it? What is the result you are trying to achieve and what are you seeing instead?
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Reading between the lines here ... am I guessing it right that you are trying to change the sorting of your board by using a quick filter? If so: that won't work. A filter is meant to select a subset of issues on your board that match certain criteria.
If your board is in a company managed project, you have 3 ways to deal with this:
In team managed projects, you don't have most of these options. The only thing you can really do here, is set up separate quick filters for each priority - similar to the last option I described above.
Hope this helps!
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Thx for those screen shots, @Hofit Levy.
So you want to see issues by priority in the backlog? My answer remains almost the same - only the swimlanes option is no longer relevant here as they will only be visible in the active sprint view.
Assuming you want to use priorities to add the highest priority issues to a sprint first, create separate quick filters for your priorities instead of one, like I mentioned:
Activate the filter so you can add the highest priority issues to your sprint, do the same for the next priority level, and so on.
I don't know how you are determining these priorities of course, but just as an additional remark: you may be mixing different systems to prioritise work here. Adding issues to a sprint is determining priorities. You are defining what your team is going to be working on for the next (usually 2) weeks. So, adding an additional layer of priorities might end up double work, specifically if you are trying to do that for issues that are already IN your sprint. For those, using the swimlanes on your active sprint view as I mentioned earlier still makes sense.
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