Copy EPIC field to it's child items

Mayuresh Athalekar April 9, 2024

I have very specific requirement or use case to implement through rule automation

Condition :

If EPIC > Component field has xxx value added

Then copy COMPONENT Field value xxx to all it's child items (User story, Task, Defect), Sub-task assignment not required.

Any pointers, how i can do it ?

2 answers

2 votes
Charlotte Santos -Appfire-
Rising Star
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April 10, 2024

Hi @Mayuresh Athalekar 

I’m Charlotte, a support engineer at Appfire and I’m here to help you.

As Trudy said before, creating a global automation may make it exceed your monthly execution limits for Automation Rules.

Therefore, I’m here to offer you an alternative, with Jira Misc Workflow Extensions you can create this automation and others without impacting in your Jira automation limits. Also, JMWE has no execution limits per month.

  1. After installing JMWE, go to Apps > JIRA MISC WORKFLOW EXTENSIONS > Event-based Actions > +Create new action.
  2. Then, you need select the rules:
  • When: Issue created
  • If scope
    • Project: Any
    • Issue types: Any
  • Then: Copy issue fields (below are the configuration I believe will work for you):

Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 11.26.39.pngClick save and you’re all set.

Every time an issue is created and it has an Epic parent, the automation will copy the components field from the Epic to the child. 

And last but not least, feel free to contact our support if you have any questions about these steps or about the app in general.

We’ll be happy to help you! 😉

1 vote
Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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April 9, 2024

Hello @Mayuresh Athalekar 

Do you want to just add value xxx to the Component field in the child issue, or do you want to overwrite the field so that it contains only xxx?

Trigger: Field Value Change
-- Field: Components
Condition: Issue Fields Condition
-- Issue Type equals Epic
Condition: JQL
-- Component in ("xxx")
For Each: Related Issue: Children
-- Edit Issue

The specifics of the Edit Issue step depend on your answer to my question.

Mayuresh Athalekar April 9, 2024

i rather would say, Component = xxx is an example. The requirement to set as global rule, is when EPIC > Component has any value, it should copy/append to it's parent field.

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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April 9, 2024

it should copy/append to it's parent field

Do you mean to its child issues' field?

The Epic has to exist before a child can be added to it. Do you want the Epic's Component values copied to the child issue when a new child issue is created and simultaneously added to the Epic?

Do you also want the child updated any time the Component/s field in the Epic is updated?

If a Component is removed from the Epic, do you expect it to be removed from the child issues?

What if the child issue is moved under a different Epic? Would you expect some change to the child issue Component values?


I note also that you said a "Global" rule. Do you really want this to run for all projects in your instance, for all Epics? Are you aware that there are monthly execution limits for Automation Rules? Have you reviewed that information and considered how many times such a rule might actually run in a month, along with how many other rule executions you have on a monthly basis?

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