Colored stripe before initiative in Jira Portfolio

Jeroen Thoelen March 8, 2018


Sometimes before an initiative the little stripe is colored for some initiatives, but why is this? 

With this I mean the stripe even before the little colapse arrow. 


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 8, 2018

Hi Jeroen,
The stripe before the expand/collapse arrow is because either:

  • The issue rank has been changed in Portfolio (you may have dragged the initiative higher or lower in the list)

  • The issue was created in Portfolio, but has not been committed to Jira yet

If the initiative you mentioned doesn't have an issue key (for example it shows as PROJ, instead of PROJ-123) then the stripe is appearing because of the second reason.

When you feel comfortable with your plan you can commit your changes to Jira, and the stripe will disappear.

For more on creating issues see:
and committing changes:

Hope this helps,
Portfolio for Jira team

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