Clients, projects and team boards

mike_bright December 27, 2018

Hi guys, need some help please.

We have N clients, with N projects and N teams.

What's the best way to configure JIRA to have:

1- One board to see all the projects (high level like a portfolio view or client projects list);

2- One board per team, e.g., the board for Product Design and the board for Dev team or Web team.

Thanks, Miguel

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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December 27, 2018

create one project with multiple boards as required and then edit filter query of respective board to view that particular project details

for example:

Create project A with multiple Scrum/Kanban board

go to each board's settings and under general tab edit filter query to project=A 

same to be done with other boards that has been created within that project, edit filter query to project=B so on

and rename board as you like teams

mike_bright December 28, 2018

Thanks! But that way one team will have several projects? We want that one team only have one board.

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
December 28, 2018

that you have to edit filter query of the board(JQL query is project=ABC for team 1 in board 1, project=def for team 2 in board 2 and so on) in the project for concerned team

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