Change our org admin

Silvia Segura April 7, 2024


Our current organization admin has left the company, and we would therefore like to reassign this right to a different employee. How can we do that?


Thanks in advance for your help


Silvia Segura


3 answers

1 vote
Jehan Bhathena
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April 7, 2024

Hi @Silvia Segura 

As @Michel Neeser rightly mentioned you will have to get in touch with the support team to help here:

They will verify with you the information needed prior to adding a new Org Admin.

Tagging Atlassian in this thread too, for more visibility.

Silvia Segura April 7, 2024


Earl McCutcheon
Atlassian Team
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April 10, 2024

Hi @Silvia Segura ,

Thanks for reaching out and as @Jehan Bhathena mentioned you can reach out to the customer advocates team directly to start going through an account verification process to escalate you to the new Org Admin.

However, as @Michel Neeser mentioned in another comment:

 If your company has access to the email account of the current org admin, you can try resetting the password of the account.

Ultimately at the bare minimum of steps for account verification, the e-mail addresses tied to the existing org admin must be accessed to verify that you own that domain and can access that account.  This is a legal requirement before Atlassian can take any action on your behalf to adjust the org admin so no matter what approach you take (self-serve or contacting support) accessing the email account of the site owner is a required step, but in doing this you have the option to very quickly self server and update the org after accessing the old account, where contacting Atlassian Support to maker the change on your behalf will add delays to the process.

So I highly recommend following the self-serve option for the quickest turnaround.

But a quick overview of accessing the old admin account for the self-serve option is to do the following:

  1. Temporarily reactivate the email account in your local domain
  2. Send a password reset request for this account in
  3. Follow the steps @Michel Neeser outlined in this comment
  4. Once you have the new org admin configured return the old email to the inactive state in your local domain

If you do need additional assistance though the first step will still be to reactivate the old org admin account then contact atlassian support using your current account and add the old org admin as a participant on the request then add in a comment from the old account verifying that you have access to the account requesting that we make this change on your behalf.


1 vote
Michel Neeser
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April 7, 2024

Hi @Silvia Segura and welcome!

You need to be an org admin yourself to do this. If you are, follow these steps:

1. Go to and choose your organization if you have more than one.

2. Click on the "Directory" tab in the navigation at the top.

3. Select the user you want to make an org admin in the list.

4. Click on the three dots at the top right and select "Assign org admin role":


Hope this helps!


Silvia Segura April 7, 2024

Hi Michel, thanks for the quick answer. Unfortunately we only had one org admin and he left the company, that's why my question. I am not org admin and we do not have any org admin in the company, we are stuck

Michel Neeser
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April 7, 2024

@Silvia Segura If your company has access to the email account of the current org admin, you can try resetting the password of the account. If not, please contact Atlassian Support, they will be able to help you with account issues like this.

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Michel Neeser
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April 7, 2024

@Silvia Segura Please consider accepting the answers that were useful, maybe they are helpful for someone else in the future. Thank you! :-)

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Dexter de Vera
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April 7, 2024

Hi @Silvia Segura ,

Welcome to the atlassian community.

If your ORG admin too, you can add the user in group - 'site-admins".

Silvia Segura April 7, 2024

Hi Dexter, thanks for the quick answer. Unfortunately I am not org admin, we only had one org admin and he left the company, that's why my question. We are stuck

Dexter de Vera
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April 7, 2024

If that so, you need to request it to atlassian support  to add new org admin. Maybe nextime better to have one service account as Org admin to prevent this senario.

Hope it helps.

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