Change old estimates, to fix late planning of a sprint

Johan Lindblom
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October 3, 2011


Because GH assumes that planning is conducted prior to a spint start, if that's not the case it must be possible to either log data as old data or change data in the history.

Is this possible ?

My goal is to have the red line to be accurate.


During a sprint's planning phase, the time estimates of issues associated with the sprint are established. For any given sprint, GreenHopper assumes that:

  • Sprint planning is completed no later than the end of the sprint's start date, and
  • Work can be logged against any of the sprint's issues during its start date.




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Rising Star
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October 21, 2012

Yes, if one does not get all the issues created in the first couple of days in the sprint, the you will see the #issues climbing on the burndowns in a little spike.

If the team have not improved planning and get everything created the first day then you can fuge the burndown by changing the start date via the planing board and opening the statistics column for the given sprint and editing the start date.

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