Change all shares with "everyone" to shares with specific group

Renee Lyons March 10, 2016

This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: JIRA get list of all filters shared with everyone

Once we have a list of filters/dashboards shared with "everyone", what can we do with it? We have thousands of filters and dashboards - is there a script we could use to make them share with a specific group, instead?

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Phill Fox
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March 10, 2016

The first step in changing from shared with everyone to shared with a specific group is to decide what that specific group would be defined as.

Then it is possible to make the change through the UI for anyone who is an administrator of a board or owner of a filter. I would recommend this approach unless you are very comfortable with editing the backend database as that is extremely risky and could result in your whole instance being unusable.

If you do wish to proceed with making changes in the backend then you need to take a single filter/dashboard and make the change monitoring what happens in the database, then you can repeat the changes for your identified set.  

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