Change Issue Type going to Move Issue for same workflow

Lisa Presley
June 30, 2024

Since Friday, when attempting to use the Change Issue Type drop down list it is now defaulting everything to use the Move Issue screen, even between entries that use the same Workflow. Has something changed?

2 answers

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Lisa Presley
July 1, 2024

And it appears the issue has resolved itself overnight. Very strange!

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Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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June 30, 2024

Hello @Lisa Presley 

I am not able to recreate what you are seeing. I've tried a Company Managed Software project and a Team Managed Software project. I have successfully change the issue type to another issue type at the same levelIf I tried to change the issue type to an issue type at a different level, then I did get redirected to the Move Issue screen.

Are you trying to change the issue type to another issue type at the same level or a different level? What is the Type of the project where you encountering this problem? Can you show us the issue type hierarchy for the project, and the screen(s) that support your assertion that the issue types use the same workflow?

Lisa Presley
June 30, 2024

Hi Trudy, thanks for replying. I'm afraid I don't know if the project I'm working from is company of team managed, but this was working for us until today. Here is a screenshot of the image types and workflows. The redirection to the Move Issue happens when changing between the Unassessed, Alert, Incident, and Service Request issue types, which should all be in the same workflow. Jira_IssueTypes.pngJira_Workflows.png

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 30, 2024

Hello @Lisa Presley 

Based on the image you provided of the workflow I can tell that is a Company Managed project. You should also see a statement to that affect at the bottom of the navigation ton the left. 

I will try changing issue types in a Service Management project and let you know if I can recreate what you're experiencing.

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