Cannot get rid of 2023 in my timeline

Nicole Bachus July 2, 2024

I cannot figure out why these two quarters in 2023 are on my timeline. I have nothing scheduled there and this project was not opened until well into 2024. I need more room on my timeline, and would love to get rid of these columns. Any ideas?Screenshot 2024-07-02 170217.png

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Rebekka Heilmann _viadee_
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July 2, 2024

Hi @Nicole Bachus 

i would assume you have simply scrolled towards the left side of the timeline. I can access today (default) and +-12 months to either side. The time frame depends on view settings, but the default should always be to see the current date as orange line.

Do you see a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom?

Nicole Bachus July 3, 2024

I do, but I don't understand why I can't change the view dates to start in 2024 or even this quarter. I'm trying to show planned work through 2026 but because I can't get rid of the past, the future is cut off. I've looked everywhere in help and dug through settings but can't find a way to change that date range and hide the past (especially since there is nothing there - no data in that time period!)

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