Can you filter stories based on the status of an Epic?

Marek Dziedzic March 4, 2019


I am trying to create a filter that displays all stories for any Epics in a particular status.

The extra part of this is that we are using a custom workflow for our Epics. It includes an "on hold" status and I would like to filter our all stories belonging to an on hold epic out of my board.

This would make things much easier and cleaner as opposed to setting all my stories to on hold, and then if the epic ever resumes, finding all of those stories and moving them back to their previous statuses.

I've found a lot of documentation about Epic Status, but it appears that these are limited to "To Do", "In Progress" and "Done". Is this correct?

Is there a way to map the Status of an Epic to Epic Status? Can I add additional statuses to the Epic Status? Is there a different way to mark an Epic as on hold, and filter stories based on that property?


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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
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March 4, 2019


Looking at your requirement, you will need an add-on like JQL Tricks to filter stories based on the status of their Epic. That way, you can modify the Epic's workflow to add statuses like "On hold" and search stories where an Epic is on hold. It is not a standard functionality in JIRA.

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