Can we get Json response as per our required attributes and Objects

Can we get JSON output for an API that will provide the list of JIRA logs for a particular project? 
We will require JSON format which is the communication format used by JIRA APIs. This is because for an internal application for which we have added Jira Addon does not work with the data in csv format. JSON output is required for us to proceed further. The project to extract : XYZ(Project Key: XYZ) 
I can also share the CSV format for the attributes

Like this:
"Summary": "Securities Project",
"Issue key": "XYZ",
"Issue id": 123456,
"Parent id": null,
"Issue Type": "Task",
"Status": "In Pre-Production",
"Project key": "XYZ",
"Project name": "Xyzabc",
"Project type": "software",
"Project lead": "abc",
"Project description": "Management System",
"Project url": null,
"Priority": "Highest",
"Resolution": null,
"Assignee": "vyashare",
"Reporter": "vyashare",
"Creator": "vyashare",
"Created": "4/2/2020 11:35",
"Updated": "4/2/2020 14:39",
"Last Viewed": "6/2/2020 9:18",
"Resolved": null,
"Affects Version": {
"s": null
"Fix Version": {
"s": ""
"Component": {
"s": "Xyzabc"
"Due Date": null,
"Votes": 0,
"Labels": null,
"Description": "",
"Environment": null,
"Original Estimate": null,
"Remaining Estimate": null,
"Time Spent": null,
"Work Ratio": null,
"Σ Original Estimate": null,
"Σ Remaining Estimate": null,
"Σ Time Spent": null

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