Can we create a means of putting an issue's link and description in the clipboard

Mike Thacker September 26, 2017

Is there a way of amending a Jira form to provide a button/link that will add something like this to my clipboard?:

<a href="">IssueSummary</a>

As a manager, I spend A LOT of time copying the key with hyperlink and summary to the clipboard, pasting them into email messages and documents and then removing all the unnecessary formatting.

I need a copy with the link but without all the formatting.

Any ideas welcome.




1 answer

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David Muller May 25, 2022

Hi @Mike Thacker ,

I've also wanted a button I could click to copy an Issue ID + title as a link to my clipboard.

I created a Jira Cloud app that allows you to copy a Jira Issue key and title to your clipboard by clicking a button that appears on the issue view.

Here's a screenshot showing how the app renders on an Issue view and the button you click to copy the Issue Key + title as a link:


The app also allows you to define a custom template so you can add more Issue data and personalize the copied text (including optionally enabling/disabling an embedded link back to the Issue).

You can find the app on the Atlassian Marketplace...Copy Issue Link: 

Mike Thacker May 26, 2022

Thanks David. This does look useful.

Since I posted my message here the "Copy link to issue" option was added to the Jira page for an issue. So that has helped.

The slight problem with me adding your component is that it seems every user account in the company would be charged monthly for a licence although only I need it.

I appreciate you bringing the app to my attention.

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