Can the Attach Files option be enabled for closed issues?

Patricia Wiebe November 15, 2011

We have a workflow where there are cases when we might need to attach files to closed issues. Our permission scheme restricts who can resolve and close issues, so the user that wants to attach the file doesn't have the permission to reopen the issue. Is there a way to enable the attach files button on closed issues?

Thanks! We are running JIRA 4.4.3.

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 15, 2011
Hope this still works on 4.4.3 Another alternative could be to remove the step property from the closed step and just grant attach permissions as described in You can remove access by defining a property as described in the previous link. Take the second alternative if you want to allow just to add attachments
Patricia Wiebe November 16, 2011

Thank you! The first option of setting the property worked perfectly and will be suffiecient for the needs of these users.

Rob Bednark June 11, 2013

I would love to see this answer mentioned above: Unfortunately, it now effectively just goes to

Shawn Authement April 30, 2015

AHHH! I have the same problem and am frustrated because the link posted that seemed to work for Patricia Wiebe doesn't work!

Shawn Authement April 30, 2015

@Patricia Wiebe any suggestions?

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
April 30, 2015

I haven't tried it but you could add a transition called e.g. "Attach file" with destination state "Closed" to state "Closed" . The transition screen contains just the field Attachment. To allow this transition just for specific users, add a workflow condition

StatPro IT July 29, 2015

THis worked in JIRA 6.1.3 for us, but DOES NOT WORK in JIRA 6.4.7.

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