Can't see certain issues on active sprints

Ariunzaya September 30, 2024


My colleague just started a new sprint. But I can't some issues in certain epics on the Active Sprints Board. 

They're all in active sprints when i look up on Backlog. I also checked my board settings.


Can anyone help me with this issue.

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September 30, 2024

Hi @Ariunzaya ,

It sounds like missing issues from your Active Sprints board,

You can check Board Settings → General to ensure the filter (JQL) includes all issue types and statuses.

Screen Shot 2024-09-30 at 16.58.24.png


If it doesn't work, you can try these things resolve the issue:

- Check if the issues are in the correct status and mapped to the board columns (Board Settings → Columns).

- Make sure no quick filters or epic-based filters are hiding the issues.

- Verify that subtasks are configured to be shown.


I hope this helps!


0 votes
Thomas Gallagher September 30, 2024

Hi @Ariunzaya

Have you checked the Board filters (and/or quick filters and sub-filters) to ensure those issues would be captured?

Other things to check would be the issue statuses to make sure those statuses are mapped to a column in the Board, that those issues are not in a completed state or that their rank is too low relative to the other issues on the Board in order to be visible. 


Thomas, ServiceRocket

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