Can't anyone to any projects despite (Admin)

Tahir July 1, 2024

Hi all,


I have have a problem where clicking "Add Person" to a project doesn't do anything. It doesn't matter who I try to add, or to which project I try to add them to. I'm unable to add anyone. Clicking the button does absolutely nothing, almost as if the link is broken. 


Does anyone have any ideas?



2 answers

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Tahir July 2, 2024

Hi @Ravina  It seems I have the Browse User and Group permission and I'm also able to comment/tag people just fine. 

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July 1, 2024

Hi @Tai Welcome to the Atlassian community,

Did this issue started recently and you able to search the users before and this stop working recently as there may be changes in the Browse User and Group global permission and you lost the browse user/group permission in your site, you can check that using this document.

Also, can you try if you able to search the users to mention/tagged them in the issue comment, description, etc just to make sure if you have the above global permission or not and if yes, the issue is only related when you try search the user adding them in project role or this is global that you not able to search the users in Jira on any place.

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July 2, 2024

Hi @Tai Okay, Thanks for verifying that,

Looking at your screenshot I can see that when you search the user to add in the Role I don't see you selected any role to which user need to get added.

I tried this in my instance and when I don't select any role and click on add it does nothing and need to select the Role to which we need to add the user to complete the operation.

Please select the role from the drop down list to which you want to add that user and it should work.

Capture 2024-07-03 at 10.36.10.png

Tahir July 3, 2024

@Ravina It doesn't allow me to select a role.



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July 3, 2024

@TaiFor free plans updating the project role is not available and if you change your plan from standard to free then whatever the role membership projects have before changing the plan it will stay as is, there are some limitation regarding the permissions, role, issue security scheme for the free plans as those are available for the from the standard plan,

Please check the below document and details comparison of the functionalities available in Free, StandardPremium, Enterprise

Tahir July 3, 2024

@Ravina so there's no way to add someone to a project in the free version?

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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
July 4, 2024

@TaiUnfortunately yes, as these are some advance features and not available in the free version and need at least standard version to get all these features.

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