Can jira mail listener be stopped?

stuartu October 19, 2011

I changed a Service so the delay = 60 (delay was = 1). When I send an email, Jira still picks up the new email, so it obviously hasn't picked up my changes to not pool for an hour.

Do I have to bounce Jira for this to be picked up? Is there a way to stop/start the mail listener?

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
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October 19, 2011

It doesn't need a restart. One thing to notice is that the service will run once the delay is changed. The next run will be after the configured delay. Maybe that is what is confusing you?

stuartu October 19, 2011

Yes, your right. I sent the email within a minute of changing the service, hence the reason it was picked up.

Many thanks,


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