Can I change "Assignee" and "Reporter" to be terms of my own choosing?

Brian Cohen October 11, 2011

Our legacy system had the Jira equivalent of "Assignee" to be "Engineer", and "Reporter" to be "Submitter".

Can I change these values in Jira through a properties file setting?

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Justin Shapiro
Rising Star
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October 11, 2011

Think hard before doing it. It's not fun maintaining language files for the life of the installation.

Nancy Belser October 11, 2011

Agreed. I wish I had fought this battle harder before I gave in and renamed "affects version". Now I have to make this change with every upgrade. Bleh.

Rising Star
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October 11, 2011

Yeah... also take into account a lot of the online documentation won't make sense to the users. In fact, just say no. People will get used to the jira way in no time at all.

Brian Cohen October 11, 2011

Interestingly, before jumping back into this thread, I was diving into instructions above...yuck. I had already convinced myself this was one customization I was not going to do, and there comment confirm my instinct. Thanks.

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Jo-Anne MacLeod
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October 11, 2011
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Rising Star
Rising Star
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October 11, 2011

Yes, you can change the "issue.field.reporter" etc property in the language file... have a look at for details of how to do it.

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