Board for multiple projects with swimming lanes per epic and subtasks below that epic

Mark de Vos
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July 5, 2024

We have multiple projects running but we want our teams based on a skills (let's say designers, motion designers, developers etc) to have a board where all tickets assigned to members of that team are shown. 

This is possible via the filter query on a board of a project called designers for example. We can then configure the swimming lanes to based on epics from all projects.

So far so good. Yet here comes the issue we run into. In our company we also work with subtasks while we do not assign the parent task to the same assignee. This is cause an issue can be Case study X, subtasks: copy, design, page build. 

These subtasks from other projects are however shown under 'no epic assigned' which distorts the view we are trying to achieve. Too many tickets now fall under this. 

I don't think there is a solution to this with this particular setup cause it goes against the fundamentals of JIRA and the relationship between epics, issues and subtasks. 

Would love to hear if people also ran into similar situations and solutions?



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Carla Ann Rowland
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July 5, 2024

Set up a component roster or label convention to manage this linked standard issues to sub-tasks. Components is the stronger option than labels. Then add the component criteria into the filter for your board.

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