Board Filter removed the ability to create tickets on the board

Herka Derkia
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September 30, 2024

So before I built this filter for the board I was able to add tickets directly to the board but after I implemented the filter below I can no longer add tickets directly to the board. Any particular reasons as to why? I didn't see any documentation on this or maybe I'm not using the right keywords.


project = someName AND Sprint in (futureSprints(),openSprints(),EMPTY) AND type NOT IN (Epic,subTaskIssueTypes()) ORDER BY Rank ASC

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Trudy Claspill
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September 30, 2024

Hello @Herka Derkia 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

When you say that you now can't add tickets directly to the board, how does that manifest?

Did you previously see a +Create Issue option at the bottom of a column and it no longer shows?

Are you able to create the issue, but some message displays after the issue is creating saying the issue is not visible?

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