Backup and Restore Jira Cloud

Ged Dunn April 20, 2022

If I use Backup Manager to create a backup of my Organisation then it tells me that is backing up all projects.  But then when I come to restore that using Import Cloud Data it is not immediately obvious what I am actually importing. 

1. If I backup multi-project organisation and then try to restore into a new org, will it delete any pre-existing projects in that new org? 

2. Can I import it into the original org and would that have the effect of rolling back the data to the point that the backup was taken?

3.  If my org includes add ins such as Zephyr and any automation scripts..will they be backed up?

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Hana Kučerová
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April 21, 2022

Hi @Ged Dunn !

So, in your case, when you create Jira backup for cloud:

  1. Yes, all the previous data in Jira will be lost and replaced by the data in the backup.
  2. - 3. Yes, you can import it back, but be careful. A lot of things are not part of the cloud backup, usually apps data are stored at vendor.
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Vish Reddy _Revyz_
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October 4, 2022

Hi @Ged Dunn 

Once you delete something in Jira you have lost that data forever be it issues, attachments or any of the configuration objects.

Thats what inspired us at Revyz to build an app for simplifying backing up your cloud Jira instance which includes issues, attachments, comments, configuration objects and more.

Please visit our market place page to see all things we can help you with protecting your data in your Jira cloud instance - Revyz Backup & Restore 

Additional information is also available at - Revyz Backup & Restore for Jira Software Cloud

Also note Atlassian recommends that you backup your data per the SaaS Shared responsibilities 

I would love to get your feedback on what we are doing and how to improve given an opportunity.


Thank you



Reference -

Atlassian, Customer Shared Responsibilities - Very good reference doc

Atlassian Security Practices - An excellent reference of Atlassian Security practices

0 votes
Marion Richardson February 8, 2023

Hi all, 


Just looking into this for us. Has anyone had any success with any third-party apps for backup and restore that they recommend? 

I'm concerned about them deleting previous data and if the override doesn't work? 



Peter Breitenfelder
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March 21, 2023

Hi Marion,

we have the challenge to run Jira and Confluence cloud as a public sector company in Germany. We figured out that deleted data in Jira is emediately erased and no way to get it back, like from a deleted item retention store.

We tested two backup / restore apps (ProBackup and Rewind) both did not work.

there is no adequate recommendation to prevent my company from dataloss.

This is extremly disappointing. 

Atlassian cloud products are definitely not enterprise ready.

Marion Richardson March 21, 2023

Hi Peter, 


Thanks for your reply, that is very concerning and indeed disappointing. What is your disaster recover plan in this case?


Best Wishes,


Vish Reddy _Revyz_
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March 21, 2023

Hi @Peter Breitenfelder , @Marion Richardson 

If possible, I would love for you try the Revyz Data Manager for Jira and get your feedback. Our app helps you do multiple things besides Jira data backup & granular restore. I am happy to get you setup sometime with you and walk you through what we do.


Thank you


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Hannah Weider June 21, 2022

Hey there! If you're searching for an easier solution to back up and restore your data, we built Rewind for Jira Cloud to solve this exact problem. Our app offers automated backups and self-serve restores. We're now in the Atlassian Marketplace, so feel free to check out the app and try it free for 7 days. We'd love to hear your thoughts!

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