Automation for 2 Standard issuetypes April 24, 2024

Hello Team,

I'm looking to set up an automation for two standard issue types, namely QA Task and Bug.

The requirement is that when a QA Task reaches its final status, which is "Done", I want the corresponding Bug issue to be automatically closed as well.

Could someone assist me with setting up this automation?

3 answers

1 vote
John Funk
Community Leader
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April 24, 2024


Curious why you have a QA Task and a Bug for the same work. Why don't you just have a Bug issue type that goes through QA/Testing? 

Regardless, how are the two issues connected? April 24, 2024

Hi @John Funk  

There are 2 different issue types, but we named as for our understanding.

Basically, QA Task is created in Manage Engine service desk under Jira project, after that our testing team will be notified the issue then they will create Bug in Jira under the same project so once the QA task is completed it will automatically close the bug too



John Funk
Community Leader
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April 24, 2024

How are the issues related in the system then? 


1 vote
Valerie Knapp
Community Leader
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April 24, 2024

Hi , thanks for your question.

You could modify this rule  in the Branch, instead of updating the children of the trigger issue, to update the linked issues, in this case, of Bugs.

Please test this and share your feedback.


0 votes
Ben Finn
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April 24, 2024


I think @Valerie Knapp has a great solution but wanted to throw my two cents in.

You could create an automation so that whenever a bug is created a QA task is automatically created. If you have them both be under an epic then you can set it so that when that epic is closed, all tasks underneath it should be closed as well (and vice versa).

Another alternative would be to have the QA task that's created be a subtask type rather than its own separate issue type. That way the QA task will be inherently part of the bug.

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