Auto adjustment of stories in the board according to the set priority.

Shlok Shrivastava
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June 23, 2020

Hi All,

My issue is with non auto adjustment of stories in the board according to the set priority. Currently the issue i m facing is that even after setting the priorities like highest or low to  stories in TO Do column of a next gen project using a scrum template, it is not auto sorting in the column according to the set priority. by that i mean if a story is provided highest priority it should automatically go on top of the column.  Is that not the desired state of the tool? Kindly someone shed some light.


Shlok Shrivastava


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June 23, 2020

Hi @Shlok Shrivastava 

I'm not much of a NextGen expert, but I think I may be able to explain what is happening.

Imagine you have stories 1 to 10 already in progress, i.e. not in the To Do column. Now you add stories 11 to 15 in To Do, but you move 15 to be the top item in To Do, because it is high priority. When you now move story 15 into the next column, you're expecting it to be at the top of the column, but any story that is already in that column will have a higher priority because it was created before 15. You can only change priorities against items in the same column.

Hope that helps a bit

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