Attachment posted in Comment/Attachment fields

Matúš Klaudíny December 5, 2018

Hello team,

Once adding a file into a comment - JIRA adds the attachment into comment and also into attachment field making a duplicate. Is this a normal behavior? Can we force JIRA to only include the file in the attachment field and making only some  reference in the comment section?



2 answers

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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 7, 2018

This is by design.   If you were to edit the comment and look at the text mode, you would see some wiki-mark up code such as



This way the comment field can just store the reference to that image which is attached to the issue in question.  This is not technically a duplicate attachment.  The image is only attached to the issue once, but you could make multiple references to that attachment in the description or other comments.  I am not aware of any way for you to change this behavior within Jira.

Deleted user February 14, 2020

Hi Andy Heinzer,

When the customer sends attachment to Jira SD or also when the Ticket gets created with attachment as you said because of Jira Behaviour the Reference Link is created.

We are using JETI for one of the SD Projekt because we wanted to send our Customer the History Comments and also Attachments from Jira. In History comments these links references are also sent as it is a included in comment body Object. And as customers are not having access to our SD, we would like to send just text instead of attachment reference so that it will not be clicked. I treid using regex for the comment body variable as well as Public comments to remove the html tags / links to achieve this. But its not working. Looks like it is not supported in velocity template for the comment rendering (comment body object)? 


Any inputs/ Suggestions how to achieve this will be really helpful.


Thanks in advance.



0 votes
Phil Evans November 18, 2021

The question is not about duplicates. The question is

should jsd generate comment when adding internal attachment without comment?

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